elite spinal physiotherapy


Coccydnia is a condition involving inflammation around the coccyx that causes pain at the very bottom of the spine. This condition is also referred to as tailbone pain, coccyx pain and coccygeal pain. This condition is usually caused by trauma to the Coccyx such as a fall or childbirth. It is much more common in…


Sciatica describes the symptoms of pain (mostly) and sometimes tingling and numbness that runs from the Lumbar Spine into the buttock and down the back of the leg and sometimes foot. What is the Cause? The majority of sciatic symptoms come from back disorders between L4-S1 that put pressure on or cause…

Spinal Stenosis

Narrowing of the spinal canal and/or foramen where nerve roots exit the spinal canal which results in choking of the spinal cord and/or nerve roots. Stenosis of the spine can involve: Narrowing of the central spinal canal…